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Explanation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Personality Type

Introduction of MBTI Personality Types

16 MBTI Personality Types

Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, initiated the study of personality type theory in the United States during the early to mid-20th century. Briggs was motivated into this area of research after encountering Clarence Myers, who would later become Isabel's husband. His unique perspective on the world sparked her interest, prompting her to conduct a literature review of various personalities.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality test that breaks down many personality types into four main categories. What sets this model apart is that it further subdivides each category into 4 more specific types, resulting in 16 types. This tool helps to provide an objective way of measuring personality traits and assisting companies or individuals in understanding the unique characteristics of employees or team members. Taking the test can also offer individuals insights into their own personalities. here is the explanation of all MBTI personality types : 

MBTI Letter Code

MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a psychological tool used to categorize people into one of 16 personality types. The acronym is composed of four pairs of opposing characteristics:

  1. E (Extraversion) or I (Introversion): This pair describes how a person directs their energy either outwardly towards activities and people or inwardly towards thoughts and ideas.
  2. S (Sensing) or N (Intuition): This pair describes how a person processes information. Sensing individuals focus on the present and concrete information, while intuitive individuals look at patterns, future possibilities, and abstract information.
  3. T (Thinking) or F (Feeling): This pair describes how a person makes decisions. Thinking individuals focus on objectivity and rationality while feeling individuals emphasize relationships and harmony.
  4. J (Judging) or P (Perceiving): This pair describes a person's approach to the outside world. Judging individuals prefer structure and decided matters while perceiving individuals stay open to new information and options.

Each person is thought to have one dominant preference in each of the four pairs, resulting in 16 possible MBTI types (e.g., INFJ, ESTP, etc.).


MBTI Analyst Personality Type

The first personality is the Analyst. They are typically focused, analytical, and surprisingly creative. They excel in critical thinking and strategic approaches. Their logical observation skills allow them to judge situations effectively. Due to their ability to detach from biases, Analysts often have a clear view of all available options. This type considers all factors and prioritizes essential details, Analysts almost always reach the correct conclusion through deliberate analytical processes. They offer fair-minded and thoughtful advice. Described as cool, serious, and prudent, Analysts prioritize thoroughly considering the consequences of decisions. They thrive on problem analysis and idea evaluation, particularly excelling in assessing the advantages and disadvantages of various options. Analysts take pride in their deep expertise and relentless dedication to scrutinizing data, portraying themselves as hardworking, committed, and self-motivated.

Architect - INTJ

Architects possess the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging characteristics. They are meticulous strategists who enjoy refining the intricacies of existence, blending imagination and logic in all their pursuits. Their inner realm is frequently intricate and shielded. Individuals embodying this personality are inquisitive thinkers with a profound hunger for learning. INTJs appreciate innovative thinking, clear-headed logic, and personal advancement. They persistently aim to boost their mental capacities and are highly motivated to excel in any subject that captures their attention.

  • Strength: Rational, Informed, Determined, Independent, Curious, Original
  • Weakness: Arrogant, Dismissive of Emotion, Overly Critical, Combative, Social Clueless

Logician - INTP

Logicians have Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting personality traits. They are adaptable individuals who prefer to think outside the box in various areas of life. They tend to explore unconventional routes, combining a willingness to innovate with their creative flair. Those with this personality type value their distinct viewpoint and sharp intellect.

  • Strength: Analytical, Original, Open Minded, Curious, Honest
  • Weakness: Disconnected, Insensitive, Dissatisfied, Overthinker, Impatient

Commander - ENTJ

Commanders possess the Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging traits, making them decisive individuals who thrive on progress and achievement. They swiftly gather information to bring their creative visions to life, displaying natural leadership qualities such as charisma and confidence. Yet, Commanders are also known for their pragmatic approach, utilizing their determination, drive, and sharp intellect to successfully reach their goals.

  • Strength: Efficient, Energetic, Self Confident, Strong Willed, Strategic Thinker, Charismatic and Inspiring
  • Weakness: Stubborn and Dominant, Intolerant, Impatient, Arrogant, Poor Handling of Emotion, Cold and Ruthless

Debater - ENTP

The debater personality type is characterized by Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting traits. Individuals with this personality type are known for their bold and creative nature, often breaking down and reconstructing ideas with sharp mental acuity. They exhibit a strong drive towards achieving their goals, showing determination in the face of obstacles. People with the ENTP personality type are quick-witted and daring, unafraid to challenge conventional beliefs. They enjoy engaging in intellectual debates and thrive in controversial discussions that push boundaries and spark lively interactions.

  • Strength: Knowledgeable, Quick Thinker, Original, Excellent Brainstormer, Charismatic, Energetic 
  • Weakness: Very Argumentative, Insensitive, Intolerant, Can Find It Difficult to Focus, Dislike Practical Matters 


MBTI Diplomats Personality Type

The second category is the diplomat, known for their proficiency in engaging with numerous individuals. Diplomats are known for being compassionate and welcoming towards others due to their intuitive and feeling personality traits. They typically favor teamwork over rivalry, driven by their inclination to be giving and supportive. Many diplomats aspire to comprehend themselves and others, they have a preference for engaging in profound discussions about human nature.

Advocate - INFJ

Advocates possess the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging traits, leading them to approach life with deep introspection and creativity. Guided by their inner vision, personal values, and a principled form of humanism, they are idealistic individuals who strive to make a positive impact. Success, for Advocates, is not measured in wealth or prestige, but in finding fulfillment, aiding others, and contributing to the betterment of society. While they may appear reserved, Advocates are driven by a strong internal passion and a deep sense of empathy, dedicating themselves to living a purposeful life through reflective contemplation.

  • Strength: Insightful Principled Passionate Altruistic Creative 
  • Weakness: Sensitive to Criticism, Reluctant to Open Up, Perfectionistic, Avoiding the Ordinary, Prone to Burnout

Mediator - INFP

A Mediator is a personality type characterized by the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting traits. These personalities, which are considered rare, are typically quiet, open-minded, and imaginative. They approach tasks with care and creativity.  they can react intensely to music, art, nature, and those around them. These individuals are sentimental, nostalgic, idealistic, and empathetic. This personality type searches for deep, meaningful relationships and feels a calling to help others. They may occasionally experience feelings of loneliness or invisibility. However, because of their sensitivity and creativity, the Mediator personality type has an extraordinary capacity to make connections and positive transformations.

  • Strength: Empathetic Generous Open-Minded Creative Passionate Idealistic
  • Weakness: Unrealistic Self-Isolating Unfocused Emotionally Vulnerable Too Eager to Please Self-Critical 

Protagonist - ENFJ

Protagonists possess the Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging traits. They are warm individuals who enjoy assisting others and hold strong beliefs. They use their creative energy to pursue their objectives. Individuals with the Protagonist personality type feel a calling to make a meaningful impact in the world. Thoughtful and idealistic, they aim to positively influence others and society. They are not hesitant to do what is right, even when faced with challenges. These natural leaders can be found in prominent roles such as politicians, coaches, and teachers. Their enthusiasm and charm enable them to motivate others not only professionally but also in personal relationships. Guiding loved ones to reach their full potential brings Protagonists immense joy and fulfillment.

  • Strength: Receptive Reliable Passionate Altruistic Charismatic
  • Weakness: Unrealistic Overly Idealistic Condescending Intense Overly Empathetic 

Campaigner - ENFP

Campaigners possess the Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting traits. They are known for embracing grand ideas and taking actions that mirror their optimism and kindness towards others. Their energetic nature allows them to channel their enthusiasm in various ways. Individuals with the Campaigner personality type are genuine free spirits - sociable, compassionate, and receptive. Their vibrant and positive outlook makes them noticeable in any social setting. Despite their ability to light up a room, they are not solely focused on enjoyment. These individuals have profound emotions driven by their strong yearning for deep and meaningful connections with others.

  • Strength: Curious Perceptive Enthusiastic Excellent Communicator Easygoing Good-Natured and Positive
  • Weakness: People-pleasing Unfocused Disorganized Overly Accommodating Overly Optimistic Restless


MBTI Sentinel Personality Type

Sentinels are individuals with a distinctive personality type characterized by their enthusiasm for assisting leaders and individuals in achieving their objectives. With a diverse range of strengths at their disposal, They excel in collaborative environments. Their dedication to supporting others allows them to play a vital role in team dynamics. Sentinels are adept at fostering positive relationships and promoting harmony within groups through their empathetic nature and ability to facilitate effective communication. Additionally, their attention to detail and reliability make them valuable assets in any collaborative setting, where their commitment to helping others shines through in all aspects of their work.

Logistician - ISTJ

Logisticians possess the Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging traits. They are typically reserved yet determined individuals with a logical approach to life. These individuals carefully plan their actions and execute them with systematic precision. Individuals with the Logistician personality type are known for their straightforward communication and strong commitment to their promises. They are attracted to environments that provide clear hierarchies and expectations, such as organizations, workplaces, and educational institutions. While not seeking attention, Logisticians play a crucial role in maintaining a solid societal foundation. Within their families and communities, they are esteemed for their dependability, practicality, and ability to remain level-headed and rational during challenging circumstances.

  • Strength: Honest and Direct, Disciplined, Very Responsible, Calm and Practical, Organized and Effective, Research-Oriented, 
  • Weakness: Stubborn Insensitive Always by the Book Judgmental Prone to Burnout

Defender - ISFJ

Individuals with the Defender personality type, characterized by Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging traits, are typically warm and unassuming in their own consistent manner. They are diligent and accountable, focusing on practical details in their everyday routines. In their modest and subtle approach, those with the ISFJ personality type (Defenders) play a crucial role in society. Diligent and loyal, they bear a strong sense of duty towards others. These individuals exceed expectations by showcasing their diverse strengths in even the most mundane tasks of their daily existence.

  • Strength: Supportive, Reliable, Observant, Enthusiastic, Hardworking, Good Practical Skill
  • Weakness: Overly Humble, Taking Things Personally, Repressing Their Feelings, Reluctant to Change, Too Altruistic

Executive - ESTJ

Executives personality have Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging traits. They demonstrate strong determination, decisively following their rational judgment. Executives frequently act as calm people, providing clear guidance during challenging times. They are champions of tradition and structure, leveraging their grasp of morality and social norms to foster unity within families and communities. Executives willingly take charge in tough situations, persisting even in the face of stress.

  • Strength: Dedicated, Strong-willed, Direct and Honest, Loyal, Patient, and Reliable, Enjoy Creating Order, Excellent Organizers
  • Weakness: Inflexible and Stubborn, Uncomfortable with Change, Judgmental, Too Focused on Social Status, Difficulty Relaxing, Difficulty Expressing Emotion

Consul -ESFJ

Consuls possess the Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging traits. They are attentive and people-focused, finding fulfillment in their social interactions. Guided by strong values, they are inclined to provide support and guidance to others. Consuls thrive in shared experiences, being integral members of their communities who welcome friends, family, and neighbors into their lives. While not universally accepting, they tend to form deep connections with those who align with their beliefs and perspectives.

  • Strength: Strong Practical Skills, Strong Sense of Duty, Very Loyal, Sensitive and Warm, Good at Connecting with Others
  • Weakness: Worried about Their Social Status, Inflexible, Vulnerable to Criticism, Often Too Needy, Too Selfless 


MBTI Explorer Personality Type

The explorer personality type is known for its curiosity, adaptability, and spontaneity. They enjoy exploring new ideas, concepts, and experiences, often seeking out adventure and variety in their lives with a preference for flexibility and open-mindedness. They adapt to change and uncertainty. quickly. They thrive in environments that offer them an opportunity to learn and grow and are skilled at thinking on their feet and improvising when needed. Explorers are characterized by their resourcefulness, creativity, and willingness to take risks for new opportunities.

Virtuoso - ISTP

Virtuosos have an independent mindset and pursue goals without requiring much external connection. They approach life with curiosity and personal skill, adjusting their methods as needed. They enjoy hands-on exploration, examining the world with diligence, curiosity, and skepticism. Natural creators, they move from project to project, crafting both practical and unnecessary items for enjoyment and knowledge. They take pleasure in disassembling and reassembling things, improving them in the process. Socializing is not a priority for Virtuosos, as they find it draining. When they do interact, they prefer meaningful connections over superficial networking.

  • Strength: Diligent and Observant, Handy and Resourceful, Spontaneous, Direct and Authentic, Independent, Grounded 
  • Weakness: Unapologetic, Insensitive, Private and Reserved, Easily Bored, Independent, Overly Skeptical, 

Adventurer -ISFP

Individuals with the Adventurer personality type exhibit the traits of Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospecting. They possess a receptive mindset, engaging with life, and new encounters, and individuals with sincere warmth. Their talent for living in the present enables them to discover exciting possibilities. Those Adventurer personality types are genuine artists. Life serves as their canvas for self-expression. They express their uniqueness through their choices, from their attire to their leisure activities. Guided by their fairness and open-mindedness, individuals of this personality type navigate life with an uplifting demeanor. They enjoy inspiring their loved ones to pursue their interests and pursue their own passions with unrestrained enthusiasm.

  • Strength: Charming, Sensitive to Others, Kind and Encouraging, Imaginative, Passionate
  • Weakness: Difficulty with Structure, Unpredictable, Easily Stressed, Difficulty with Technical Problem-Solving, Fluctuating Self-Esteem 

Entrepreneur - ESTP

Entrepreneurs exhibit the Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting traits, making them energetic and action-oriented individuals who excel at seizing opportunities. They possess a competitive spirit and prioritize present-focused, practical discussions over abstract theories or global issues. Entrepreneurs prefer dynamic conversations and hands-on experiences, opting for action over excessive planning and reflection.

  • Strength: Bold, Rational and Practical, Original, Perceptive, Direct, Sociable
  • Weakness: Insensitive, Impatient, Impulsive, Unstructured, May Miss the Bigger Picture, Defiant

Entertainer - ESFP

Entertainers possess the Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospecting traits. They enjoy lively experiences, embracing life enthusiastically and finding joy in exploration. These individuals are highly sociable, frequently inspiring others to participate in group activities. Those with the Entertainer personality type are often the ones who spontaneously burst into song and dance. They are drawn to the thrill of the present moment and aim to share that feeling with everyone around them. This personality type stands out for their willingness to invest time and effort in motivating others, doing so with a unique and captivating flair.

  • Strength: Bold, Original, Positive and Enthusiastic, Hands-on and Observant, Excellent People Skills 
  • Weakness: Sensitive, Conflict-Averse, Easily Bored, Poor Long-Term Planners, Unfocused


Understanding your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type can provide valuable insights into your behavior and preferences. By identifying your unique personality traits, you can better navigate relationships, career choices, and personal growth. Embrace your individuality and use the knowledge gained from your MBTI type to enhance your understanding of yourself and others. Remember, self-awareness is the first step towards personal development and achieving your full potential. If you are more and want to know your personality type. You can take the test on  https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types


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